Updated on May 7, 2015

“Empowering every Developer”
Satya Nadella,
CEO, MicrosoftThis is how Build15 Keynote 1st day started. Below I will summarize the most mind blowing keynote of yesterday session.Satya Kicked off build by talking a Musician who called him self an accidental developer, who had a dream to change how music is composed.
- StaffPad App: is handwriting recognition
for music notation, with full score playback and lots more. By David William
- Docker
An open platform for distributed applications for developers and sysadmins.- Take any windows Application and run it on any server.
- Multi-Container windows application.
- Mix & match Windows containers & Linux containers, Which means you can use windows front end with Linux back-end and vice versa.
- Office 2016Office with partners (Addins)
- Universal Apps, Develop once deploy every where (Desktop, Mobile,tablet, Xbox, Hololens,..etc)
App Suggestion: if you didst install an app for a quite time, windows will suggest to you an app to try (if you want for sure). an app which suits you! it is smart enough to know that from your previous installed apps and uses.
Microsoft Edge: the new Internet browser (formerly known as Project Spartan)
- Spotlight: every day with new nice lock screen, if you like it it will show you more if not it it will avoid similar ones in the future. not only that but also, if you haven’t try a feature from your windows or device it will show you a suggestion to try it on that lock screen.
- Cortana:
is your clever new personal assistant, and she can search the web, find things on your PC, keep track of your calendar—even tell you jokes. We’re not saying she’ll pass the Turing test, but the more she helps you out, and the more she learns about you, the better she gets.
*Turing Test is a test for intelligence in a computer, requiring that a human being should be unable to distinguish the machine from another human being by using the replies to questions put to both.Video:
- Continuum:
Connect your tablet & mobile devices to screen & Bluetooth Mouse/keyboard and enjoy windows desktop experience with the support of dual monitor, which means your connected screen will display a movie while you are checking your email on your connected mobile screen.Video: - Developers:
- Fabrikam Garage (Demo by Scott Hanselman):
They are a Maker space sells things like: (3D Printers, Arduino, RaspberryPI)
also they has a service to upload a 3D model and they will print it for you- Their website is run on Windows Azure.
- The site talks to back-end order service
- it uses all the new technology HTML5,CSS3,bower & all the modern things you could expect.
- Back-end office use application on surface.
- To make a mobile application we can use tools like C++, Xamarin, at this case they used Apache Cordova to build the mobile application
- Tested the Demo on Windows phone Emulator & Android Emulator.
running on Hyper-V.
- Tested the Demo on Windows phone Emulator & Android Emulator.
- They are managing the code by Visual studio online
- At this case they are using Git repository.
- also benefiting from Source Control & backlog to keep track of what working and what not working.
- The build is done on VSO and automatically deployed on Windows Azure
- On Azure we can see the application at the API host, we can click within Azure it self and see the deployment their as well.
- Application Insight showing all sort of details, dependency tracking, all the way down to single line of code. Also, we have the same insights for the mobile apps crashes, events, sessions by country, all the way to line of code inside an iphone app written in swift.
- It is a 360 degree view of any platform from the highest level to the lowest level.
- A look over a logic application.
- Introducing Visual Studio Code, a new, free, cross-platform code editor for building modern web and cloud applications on Mac OS X, Linux and Windows.
- Reuse your Android code to build a windows applications and even use Windows features like Live tiles.
- Reuse ObjectiveC code on Visual studio Compile & run your apps on windows.
- Port your legacy windows (i.e win32) to windows store.
- Fabrikam Garage (Demo by Scott Hanselman):
- Hololens
- Integrate 3D in to your real world (Augmented Reality).
- pin your apps any where you want in your room.
For Full recorded sessions & Live stream (if you catch it on time!) go to MSDN Channel9
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