Updated on May 8, 2015

Introduction: (Why I wrote this Post)
In my capacity as a Trainer, I always has an Audi meeting with the potential new student to make sure they do know what they really need to know. Sounds weird ha? well trust my I have seen many people came to register for HTML and ended up with Photoshop! because this is what they have been told or read on the internet.The most interesting & common case is the people who comes to study programing, any one who says other than C# I make sure they do not leave before they change their mind! well I am not persuasive master! I just tell them what C# is and what they can do with it and they make the call.
This is why I want to share with you today the below diagram. it is the backbone of what I say. I am not saying this is all but this is what came up to my mind so far.
Targeted Audience:
- Only C# beginners or
- who didn’t choose C# as their programing Language yet
- if you already a C# developer it won’t harm to take a look about it, you might have some thing to add 😉
From the previous picture we can see how much we can do with C#. For example, if we want to develop a native mobile application on the current famous platforms (iPhone, Android, Windows Phone) we have to learn:
- Objective-C / Swift in order to develop iPhone/iPad apps using xCode
- Java in order to develop Android apps using Eclipse or Android Studio.
- C# in order to develop Windows Phone apps.
with C# not only you can develop native apps on the other platforms (using Xamarin plugin) but also while you are developing no matter for what you are enhancing your skills in C# which will reflect on all what you do. Never the less, you will be using Visual Studio, the greatest IDE a developer can have! (at least in my point of view & few thousands developers!).
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