Tag: Microsoft Developers UAE Meetup

Updated on May 8, 2015
Google Glass
Is a type of wearable technology with a head-mounted display. Lets you the augmented reality experience. 19th of Jan was the last day for this project which was shut down by google. “The Google Glass project is entering …

Updated on May 8, 2015
What is AR?
Augmented Reality is merging the real world with the digital one.When you look to a building, you will see an additional information about that building like the history of it or how did it look in the past.it …

Updated on May 8, 2015
Microsoft Developers UAE Meetup #1 (Knock Knock On GameDev Gate)
Knock Knock On GameDev Gate Why do we play games? It is an important question to be asked. Most likely people play games because they can do what they cannot do in real world, like being a warrior, …